Friday, October 2, 2009

Noahs Severe Ear Infection

Yesterday morning Noah woke up screaming and crying really bad and he was saying that his ears were hurting him and that he couldnt handle it so We kept Noah home from school yesterday, We took him to the doctor the doctor said that he has a severe ear infection, fluid in his ears and his ear drum is about to rupture. Noah just started complaining at 3am yesterday that his ear hurt, the doctor said that it came on fast. He gave him some antibiotics for his ear and wants to see him again in 3 weeks for a check up and to get his vaccine!!The doctor also told us to get him some cough medicine for his sniffles and cough so we went to get some and the pharmacist said that he can't have any with the Adderral XR that he is on for his ADHD cause it reacts to each other and makes both meds not work as well as they are suppose to. She also said that if we did try it that Noah could end up with some kind of Syndrome so once she said that we put the cough medicine back on the shelf, I am not chancing anything like that!!!!The doctor also wants to check his sight and hearing in a few weeks cause last week he was having trouble seing the eye chart at the doctors. He also wants to make sure in a few weeks that the fluid in his ear is gone and if it isnt then its more then just an ear infection and there is an underlying problem with his ears. If there is still fluid in his ear in a few weeks then he will be sent to an ears, nose and throat specialist.

We were thinking that maybe this could also be why he is acting out in class. Any opinions???

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