Friday, September 25, 2009

Symptoms of his ADHD and ODD

He has these symptoms of ADHD...

not seem to listen, easily distracted from schoolwork or play, forget things, squirm or fidget, talk too much, not be able to play quietly, act and speak without thinking, have trouble taking turns, interrupt others.

He also has ODD with these symptoms....

Frequent temper tantrums, Excessive Arguing with adults, Refusing to follow the rules, Active defiance and refusal to comply with adult requests and rules, Deliberately annoying and upsetting people, Blaming others for mistakes, Easily annoyed by others, Angry and resentful, Mean and hateful talking when upset, Spiteful or even revengeful.

I went to pick Noah up from school yesterday and the teacher told me that he was being very disruptive in class. He took everyones pencils and broke them, then he wrote all over everybodys erasers and took stuff off the teachers desk. They were doing there journals and the teacher moved him beside a child that is really calm and him and Noah get along great, well Noah took the boys journal and scribbled all over the picture he drew. The little boy cried cause he was very happy with the picture and was very sad when Noah ruined it. Noah keeps telling her No and I dont have to do that. She told me that she wants to have a meeting with The principle, her, Mike and I next week to talk about Noahs behaviour.